Be Aware of Email Phishing\Scams in your inbox

Be Aware of Email Phishing\Scams in your inbox

This article shows another example of a scam email, claiming to be from with a link hidden behind an innocent folder image:
NB: Remember to never respond to emails or texts asking for information or money without 1st checking from a valid source.
Fig 1. (1. and 2.) The email looks like it is from (an address that scammers can get from any public website). Your email address can be obtained from the same sources (our website, LinkedIn, social media etc...). Highlighted is the Phishing bait (who would not welcome a bonus?). (3.) A hover (do not click) of the mouse over link\icon will reveal the source as displayed at the bottom left of the browser window (4.). Please note the address is wrong in many ways, it does not begin with after the //. Also, Microsoft and Outlookonline are misspelt and many more errors (, etc.

Warning. A Phishing\Scam mail starts to work if it evokes an emotional response from you. Stay calm. It is not as personal as it claims to be. They will only know you if you click on the link or open an attachment. This is also the same method used to install hacking software on your device in order that they can send a similar Phish\Scam or hack to your contacts, so they think it is from you so looks friendly.

Your advised action:
  • Be suspicious and check.
  • Ignore the offer or threat to you.
  • Do not click on attachments or active links within the email (including icons\pictures).
  • If you have a laptop or computer, hover the mouse over the link (do not click) and analyse the link address.
  • Contact the person or department\company direct by phone or a new email to confirm if, in fact, they have sent you this email (include the date\time stamp, To: and From:)
  • Lastly, if in doubt. Right-click and select 'Junk'.
  • If in doubt, please feel free to call\email IT Support (or if it is bank related) or your bank\finance company.
 Fig 1.

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