Booking Rooms, iPads, Minibuses and Sports facilities\Pitches

Booking Rooms, iPads, Minibuses and Sports facilities\Pitches

Nb. It is best practice to use ‘Outlook on the web’ calendar

Start - Log into SharePoint (Staff Hub) - and open ‘Outlook Web’ then select the calendar icon (bottom left view panel) (Fig 1)

 Fig 1

Select ‘New Event’ (top left) (Fig 2)

 Fig 2

Once you have filled out the details, click into the ‘Search for a room or location’ and type in the resource, you require (Fig 3.1) and select the resource (resources titled in the table below) (Fig 3.2). Please note it is available on the current default time, but this may well become unavailable if you change the date and time.

 Fig 3

Once the resource request is booked, the delegate responsible will hopefully approve the booking for you (you will receive an email accepting or declining your request). Resource and Delegates:






L.Edwards, S.Wills

Main Hall Old Library

L.Graham, C.Paylor

Main Field

L.Edwards, S.Wills

IT & Design – Junior


Pond Courts

L.Edwards, S.Wills

IT & Design – Senior


Sports Centre AV Room

L.Edwards, S.Wills

Prep iPads


Sports Centre Fitness Suite

L.Edwards, S.Wills

Stimson Hall Room

L.Graham. S.Brewster

Sports Centre Lyons Hall

L.Edwards, S.Wills



Top Courts

L.Edwards, S.Wills

Minibus 2009 HV09

L.Graham, N.Dickens

Top Field

L.Edwards, S.Wills

Minibus 2013 ML63

L.Graham, N.Dickens

Walled Gardens

L.Edwards, S.Wills

Minibus 2015 WA15

L.Graham, N.Dickens



Minibus 2017 WA17

L.Graham, N.Dickens



MPV 2011 MJ11

L.Graham, N.Dickens
