How to transfer Teams (Class Notebook) teaching resources from the old to new academic year.

How to transfer Teams (Class Notebook) teaching resources from the old to new academic year.

This guide is to demonstrate the principles in setting up Class Notebook\s to facilitate the transfer of resources from the old to a new academic year.

NB – This is best completed, using either a PC or Laptop on-site. The procedure requires you to open two notebooks in total:

  1. Part 1 – OneNote to display Class Notebook in the old curriculum year
  2. Part 2 – OneNote to confirm location and access to the new curriculum year resource area.

Part 1

From the ‘Start’ menu. open ‘OneNote for Windows 10’, if logged into SharePoint you should be presented with your username. Select the drop-down menu (Fig 1.1) and ‘More Notebooks…’ (Fig 2.1)

 Fig 1.
 Fig 2.

Choose the Class Notebook you wish to copy over to the new year. In this example (Fig 3.). I have searched for ‘2022 8H…’ and I am presented with the only Notebook resource I have access to, you may see more. If you do not see any that you expect, please contact IT support Helpdesk to add you. Tick the box and the ‘Open’ button

 Fig 3.


Now you need to open up another ‘OneNote for Windows 10’ from the ‘Start’ menu.

Follow the procedure as shown in Part 1. Figs 1 and 2, but now you are looking for the new academic year resource (for this guide I will use the current year so I can demonstrate the ‘Move/Copy’ procedure). I will use the ‘2022 8P Art Notebook’ (Fig 4.)

 Fig 4.

Going back to the first Notebook, I am going to copy my ‘Test Page Only’ (Fig 5.) by right-clicking and selecting the ‘Move/Copy’ option

 Fig 5.

Select the ‘Move/Copy Test Page Only to another location until you see your second Notebook and select (for this example) ‘2022 8P Art Notebook’ (Fig 6.)

 fig 6.

Select the section destination (Fig 7.)

 Fig 7.

Then the ‘Copy’ button (Fig 8.)

 Fig 8.

Finished (Fig 9.)

NB: For larger files and Folders allow time for the transfer. Sometimes after the transfer, you may need to refresh to see the changes
 Fig 9.

Close down the Notebook\s you have finished with.


Useful YouTube clip ‘OneNote Class Notebook – New School year? Copy content Library Sections to New Notebooks:

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