Sending email from 3Sys to parents by Year group

Sending email from 3Sys to parents by Year group

Log into 3Sys

Communications > Email/Notifications > Email >

New’ (Fig 1.1):

 Fig 1.

Select 'To' (Fig 2.1):
 Fig 2.

Pupil Search’ (Fig 3.):

In the first box drop-down (Fig 3.1.) > and select ‘Form Year’.  In the second box drop-down (Fig 3.2.) select the year group you need then select the ‘Search’ button (Fig 3.3.). Check all names ticked are required for this email:

 Fig 3.
In ‘Associations’ tick the box ‘Relations’ (Fig 4.1.):
 Fig 4.
In ‘Filter Email Recipients, tick the box ‘Email 1’ (Fig 5.1.) and click on the ‘Select’ (Fig 5.2) button, this produces the list of parents (Email 1). Check that the emails are present and correct:
 Fig 5.

In ‘Selected Email Recipients’ select the ‘Bcc’ (Fig 6.1) button, this will produce a list in the Bcc part of the email (Arrowed) this is so other parents cannot see other mail addresses. The ‘OK’ (Fig 6.2.) button will light up when everything has been completed and the email is ready to go:

 Fig 6.

Fill out the ‘Subject’ box (Fig 7.1.) and ‘Body Text’ (Fig 7.2.):

Please ensure that the content of the email has been approved by the Headmaster's P.A. before it is sent to parents.

 Fig 7.

Click the ‘Send’ button (Fig 7.3.) when you are happy
